CO2 Laser Resurfacing $350

At Ervin Beauty Cosmetology, we utilize a micro-fractional CO2 laser, a cutting-edge technology that exposes only a portion of your skin's surface to the laser, leaving the surrounding untreated skin intact. This innovative approach accelerates natural healing and minimizes downtime. Our CO2 resurfacing treatment is the preferred option for addressing issues like acne scars and signs of aging, including fine lines, wrinkles, skin laxity, and uneven pigmentation. Don't hesitate to schedule your consultation for CO2 resurfacing with us today at Ervin Beauty Cosmetology, conveniently serving Los Angeles, CA!


Improves Skin Quality
Increases Overall Facial Volume
Stimulates Natural Collagen Production
Restores Skin’s Inner Structure
Gradually Delivers A Full-Face Rejuvenation
Long Lasting Results
FDA Approved